Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 4- Thursday, April 21, 2011

The view on our walking yesterday on our Paseo por la Alameda
The wall that surround Segovia

Madrid won the soccer game last night! This made my host father and one host brother, Jorje very happy, but my host mother, other host brother, Luis, and host sister, Ana were not happy, they had been rooting for Barcelona. It was crazy after the game. People were going crazy in the streets of Segovia honking and running around like crazy! And the TV showed even more celebrating going on in the streets of Madrid!

We had class this morning, which I was very tired for because my family has a party last night, for Luis's birthday and the game, that did not end until 1:30 AM! In class we talked about los visigodos y los arabes-mulsumanes and their influence and roles in Spain during the Middle Ages. We did not have an excursion this afternoon, we had a free afternoon!

This week is Semana Santa in Spain, which is Holy Week. Spain celebrates Easter week a lot differently than the United States. There are huge processions from all churches into the town centers. The people in the processions dress up in cloaks and face coverings and march into town caring statues and figures. The processions started today and I saw a couple of people returning home after participation but no actual processions. Tomorrow there will probably be more and maybe I will be able to get a couple of pictures. In fact, my host mother and one brother are participating in a procession tomorrow.

I'm posting a few more photos from yesterday since we did not really see anything new today. Megan and I just met for coffee at a cafe we are becoming regulars at! And then did some shopping, mostly window shopping, but we did make a couple of small purchases! I plan to stay this evening and head to bed soon after dinner, I'm exhausted from staying up so late last night and having class today! No one had work today and all of the schools are on break because of the holiday which is why the party went so late on a Wednesday night! Enjoy the photos...

Another view of El Alcazar

Me and Megan standing by the Aquaduct, it's huge!

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