Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 8- Monday April 24, 2011

Today we learned about Arab-Muslim art in class. We discussed the different types of materials they used and what their architecture looked like.

For our excursion though, we went and looked at Iglesia Románicas, Romanesque churches. So although todays coursework did not match up with our excursion- we will be covering la arte Románica in the next day or so. Romanesque churches have "arcos medios puntos" which are rounded arches which you can see in the photos below. They also have alters that face the east, so it is like parishioners are coming from the darkness (the west) towards the light of God (the east). In the first church we saw, la iglesia de San Millan, there were only windows on the south side of the building, not the north. This is apparently because the north is the side of death and the south the side of life. The churches are made out of stone and have wood ceilings. The walls are extremely thick because people did not know how else to build sturdy walls to hold up such heavy ceilings at the time. Their are also pillars and columns that creates "naves" which are like aisles. Fresco painting also covered much of the Romanesque church's walls. A lot of it has been destroyed or lost by now, but you can see some of it in photos from both of the churches we went to. Both churches also had towers and atriums. This is about all I can remember about la iglesias Románicas from out tour, like I said we have not taken notes on them yet in class. But we will be going to see one or two more of these types of churches a different day, so if I forgot anything I will add it then!

La iglesia de San Millan

Columns at San Millan

The altar at San Millan

The AMAZING organ at San Millan

Some fresco artwork at San Millan

The type of carving is typical of Romanesque churches about the doorways

The altar

Fresco paintings covered the entire ceilings and all of the walls of the altar in San Justo's

This figure is typically carried during San Justo's church's procession, but it was not this year due to the rain.

La iglesia de San Justo

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